How to Choose the Right Event Planner for your corporate event | Social Event | Wedding

How to Choose the Right Event Planner for your corporate event

Planning an event could be a really overwhelming task, no matter the nature of the event: wedding, corporate event, or just a birthday party. That’s when the need for an event planner kicks in. How to choose the right event planner?

A good event planner will deliver your idea into reality and make sure everything goes smoothly to give your guests an experience to remember.
At Party Funn, we appreciate how critical the selection of any event planner can be. From an initial look at first considerations to final decisions, this is a step-by-step guide on how to choose the right event planner for any of your needs.

Understanding Your Needs for an Event


Before you start looking for an event planner, it’s critical to know what you are looking for. Elements such as the following will be very important:

Type of Event

Determine what kind of event you are having. Various planners are focused on various types of events, like wedding planners, corporate event organizers, or social events organizers.


Determine your budget for the event, and what that means you have to spend on an event planner. That will narrow it down a bit.

Scope of Services

Finally, determine what scope of services you need an event planner to accomplish. Has the event planner been brought in to fully organize the event from start to finish, or are they only needed for specific areas of the event, such as venue selection or catering?


Consider the timeline of your event. How much time do you have for the planning, and when do you need the planner to start working?

Looking Up Potential Event Planners

Looking Up Potential Event Planners

After you have clearly defined what your needs are regarding the event, you can start researching potential event planners. The following are some ways you can get some potential candidates:

Referrals and Recommendations

Ask friends, relatives, and colleagues for a referral to an event planner; this gives one inside information on how reliable they are, and the type of service they deliver on their services.

Search online

You can look up by name or place or you may use search engines and social media to look for event planners around. Take notice of event planners with great reviews and very engaging in their online presence.

Industry Associations

Call up industry associations such as the Association of Bridal Consultants or the Meeting Professionals International and get their list of certified event planners.

Event Venues

Call a few big event venues and ask who they would recommend for event planners. Most of these venues usually only work with planners who know their facilities and how things are done there.

Analyzing Event Planners

Analyzing Event Planners

Next will come the screening of event planners according to qualification, experience, and compatibility with needs. A few of the criteria may be:

Experience and Specialization

Ensure that the event planner has some experience in handling events similar in nature to yours. Check their portfolios and past events to ensure their style is in keeping with your vision.

Certifications and Training

Check if the planner has any certification or formal training about event planning. It is seen that certified planners usually exude a greater amount of professionalism and skills.

Client Testimonials

Always read the client testimonials and reviews thus provided to understand the repute and quality of service that the planner enjoys. Check positive and negative reviews.


Check if the planner is free on your event date and has time to devote to your affair. Planners whose calendars are too full may not have the time to accord your event the due attention it deserves.

Initial Consultation

Then, narrow your choices down to two or three planners who do appear to match your specifications—neutral chemistry, same vision, skillful at communication—and set up initial consultations with each to discuss your event in more detail. This is where you establish whether a planner listens well, is creative, and shares your vision.

Some questions you might ask the planner in the consultation could be:

  • What experience have you had planning events of this nature?
  • Can you name a few past clients for reference?
  • How do you deal with unexpected disasters or mishaps?
  • What is your policy on budgeting and handling money?
  • How do you bring your client’s vision into reality?

Comparing Proposals

Comparing Proposals

Once the initial meetings are done and dusted, get thorough proposals from the planners. It should state the services they plan to offer, how they will go on to plan your event, and give you an estimate of the cost. Some things to compare include the following :

Services Provided

Check whether anything has been missed. Compare what each planner will do for you.

Budget Breakdown

Observe whether there is an exact and clean budget breakdown. Ensure that no hidden costs or even charges are not clear.


Observe the proposed timeline of planning and execution of your event. Check that it meets your expectations.

Creativity and Ideas

Observe the planner’s innovative ideas and inputs. Choose the planner whose vision and style you most align with.

Making Your Decision

Finally, after comparing the proposals, make your decision. Following are some last-minute considerations:

Confidence and Comfort

Pick a planner that you trust and feel comfortable being around. The hallmark of any successful collaboration is good communication and rapport.


Ensure the planner is flexible, responsive to your ideas, and open to making changes.

Contract and Terms

Make sure to go through the contract thoroughly and understand all the terms and conditions before finally signing it. Clearly spell out all the terms, conditions, and expectations.

Advantages of Hiring a Professional Event Planner

Advantages of Hiring a Professional Event Planner

Among these many advantages of hiring a professional event planner are: 

Expertise and Experience

Professional planners come with years of experience and industry expertise behind them that makes any event a smooth affair.


The planners take care of the logistics, leaving you free to enjoy the event.

Vendor Relationships

From vendors, planners have pre-existing relationships, which can help get better deals and reliable service.

Creativity and Innovation

Planners develop ideas to make an event unique and memorable.

Attention to Detail

Professional planners are very detail-oriented, leaving nothing to chance.

Event Planner Red Flags

While most event planners are really great at their jobs, here are some red flags to watch out for with those who might not be quite as reliable or professional:

Bad Communication

Misunderstandings are caused by poor communication or late replies from someone at either end.

Unclear Proposals

Ill-defined proposals with ill-defined services and vague costs—well, it’s just about the most obvious way extra cost can first come on board, if not frustration.

No References

Lack of references or bad testimonials raise a concern. Perhaps they have little experience in the business, or maybe they are just plain unprofessional.

Unrealistic Promises

Finally, be wary when planners show an unnatural enthusiasm about making unrealistic assurances or promises that sound too good to be true.

Tips To Help You Work Effectively with Your Event Planner

You have hired an event planner; now learn what you need to do at your end to work effectively with your planner for the success of an event. Here are some tips:

Never Stop Communicating—Quite Literally

You should never stop communicating and keep it open with your planner. Share ideas and any concerns or any other kind of feedback as soon as possible.

Trusting Their Expertise

The event planner is experienced and skilled at what they do, so trust their better judgment.

Set clear expectations

Clearly define what your expectations and priorities are right from the start, and make sure that the planner is pretty clear about it. Be flexible, for one has to be open to suggestions or changes. Flexibility really can lead to much better solutions and a smoother planning process.

Give constructive feedback

Provide feedback throughout the process of planning. It would help a planner attune, adjust, and improvise on his or her approach. Common Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring an Event Planner

Common Mistakes while selecting the right event planner

The process of hiring the right event planner involves avoiding some common mistakes. Some of those to avoid being

Insufficient research

For it can lead to not proper vetting, which could result in a bad planner, that is, someone not meeting your needs. Being focused only on the price, though the budget does matter, it is most critical to work with a planner based on the lowest price. This might compromise the quality and level of service.

Ignoring Red Flags

Blindly overlooking a really bad communicator or a really vague proposal often creates problems later down the line.

Not Defining Roles

Make sure that the roles and responsibilities are clearly defined to avoid confusion and double efforts by the person and the planner.

Success Stories of really great events

For pointing out a difference which a professional event planner makes, some case studies of successful events have been stated as follows:

Case Study 1: Dream Wedding—Fairytale

Client: A couple who desire to have a fairytale wedding

Challenges: Budget constraint and long guest list, seeking a unique venue

Solution: The event planner secured this beautiful historic mansion with a lovely garden as the venue, negotiated a discount from vendors, and set out a well-detailed plan for the budget. He had in mind that, with his creative vision, it will turn into a fairytale setting—themed decoration, live music, and fun activities.

Result: The wedding was a huge success, with all guests praising the attention to detail and magical atmosphere.

Case Study 2: A Corporate Conference

Client: Tech company hosting an annual conference

Challenges: Tight timeline, advanced tech setup required, high stakes for guest speakers and workshops.

Solution: The event manager contacted highly credible speakers and vendors, an industry network; contacted the venue for technical setup; and did the logistics with respect to the whole schedule of events.

Outcome: The self-assessment report, a feedback conference, well appraised on its model structure, in its richness of content, and in the smooth execution, raised the bar on the company’s image.

Enhancing the Event Experience

Making an occasion memorable requires setting the right amount of focus on the guest experience. Here are some tips on how to improve the overall experience:

Personal Touches

Add in some personal touches that reflect the central theme and purpose of the celebration. This would

Engaging Activities

Plan activities that get guests involved and active in participation for interacting just as much. This would include live performances, interactive games, hands-on workshops, etc.

Comfort and Convenience

Ensure that your event venue has all such facilities and provisions that can allow your guests to feel at ease—adequate seating, easily accessible restrooms, and proper directional signage. Food and Beverage Options: Offer a wide variety of options to allow one to tailor his or her drink choice to possibly varied tastes, needs, and diets. Recreate some local or themed food for an even deeper experience.

Smooth Flow

Plan out the smooth flow of the event schedule. Avoid long breaks and ensure that an event does not drag on unnecessarily.

Integration of Technology

Integrate technology in implementing event experiences. This may want to include mobile apps for your event or even social media integration. There is the possibility for live streaming for people that can’t make the event physically. 

Follow-up After an Event

Following up with your guests once they leave will hold much significance in terms of building constant relations and recognizing feedback. Here are some follow-up techniques after the event:

Thank You Notes

Send out thank you notes or emails to guests, expressing your gratitude for their presence at the event.


Share a post-event survey to capture feedback about their experience. Use this feedback in improving future events.

Share Memories

Share the pictures and videos regarding the event on social media and your webpage. Request your guests to share their memories and tag your event in their posts.

Stay in touch

Keep contacting your guests either through newsletters or through social media updates. Let them know what is coming up and about any special offers you have.

Event Planner Trends

Knowing recent trends in event planning will help you in selecting the right planner, and also your event will remain current and fresh. Here are a few of the recent trends in the event planning industry. Sustainability: Increasingly more emphasis is presently being reached on setting up eco-friendly and sustainable events. Look for planners who show interest in sustainability and prefer green solutions.

Virtual and Hybrid Events

With this fast-growing trend of virtual and hybrid events, the face of event planning has undoubtedly changed. Planners with a background in virtual platforms or hybrid setups are quickly becoming in high demand.


Personalization seems to take the lead in the planning of an event. From customized decorations to entire activities that can be tailored, it is the personal touches that make your event different from others.

Tech Integration

Integrating technology into events – event apps, augmented reality, live streaming, etc. – is also improving the quality of experience. Choose planners who have expertise in integrating tech solutions. 

Unique Venues

The use of unconventional and unique venues is gaining fast. If planners can find such unique places and transform them impressively, they will give a different experience to your guests. 

Final Thought 

The correct event planner is a critical decision in the very success of your event. You will be capable of identifying that perfect planner who is going to bring your idea back to life if you know what you want, research possible planners, and examine their qualification for your particular job at hand; then, the lines of communication are open and clear.

At Party Funn, our commitment to the success of your events is rooted in being dedicated to creating memorable events in the simplest way. Let our professional event planners guide you through every detail to make sure that your event goes down without any glitch and more than you ever expected. Call us now to inquire about services in party planning and complications of how we can ensure you of a great next event.

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